CBD Oil and Stress
Stress is one of the most overlooked problems in America; it can mean you’re worried, overwhelmed, rundown or even unhappy. The buildup of stress can be helpful in creating a drive to finish a task, but chronic stress can adversely affect your neuroendocrine, central nervous and immune systems. CBD has proven its worth to alleviate chronic stress and helps with many other underlying conditions.
Main Causes of Stress
● Increasing Workload
● Poor Financial Situations
● Personal Issues
● Having Poor Management
● Working in Dangerous Conditions
● World Problems
The American Psychological Association (APA) published a report in 2016 entitled Stress in America: Coping with Change which analyzed the different causes of stress amongst Americans. The findings included:
● 66% of Americans are stressed about the future of the nation.
● 59% of Americans are stressed about potential terrorist attacks.
● 61% of Americans are stressed out about their financial situation.
Chronic Stress can last forever if untreated and can be very damaging down the road. Stress can lead to depression, migraines, sickness and much more. Although stress is known about, many people suffering doesn’t get the help they need. The APA released a survey in August 2017 which found that approximately 33 percent of Americans never discuss ways to manage stress with their healthcare provider.
If chronic stress takes hold on you for too long, it can negatively affect your mental and physical appearance. While CBD oil impacts the CB2 receptor and has a poor bonding with the CB1 receptor, it hinders the creation of the FAAH enzyme which is directly responsible for diminishing anandamide, an endocannabinoid. Natures Pure CBD Oil unintended impact on the endocannabinoid system improves our ability to cope with stress.
Natures Pure CBD Oil is a better alternative to pharmaceutical medication that fails to alleviate stress for a long period of time. Thankfully, CBD is now federally legal when derived from the hemp plant. CBD’s potential is still untapped and can be a safe alternative to medications that may not be helping the problem at all. Natures Pure CBD Oil could be the difference between barely getting through the day or enjoying it.