CBD Oil For Kids With Seizures

CBD Oil Kids With Seizures

Charlotte Figi was the first and only child that used high concentrations of CBD oil to reduce her daily seizures she has had since she was one year old. Charlotte and her family were told that their daughter suffered from Dravets syndrome. Dravets syndrome is a rare genetic disease of the brain that causes seizures in young children due to a mutation in a gene that creates this syndrome in 80 percent of its patients. The family tried everything to reduce her seizures which were multiple times daily. All the medical attention and medications used to alleviate Charlotte’s symptoms did not reduce her seizures or give the Figi family hope that this nightmare would ever end. By the time Charlotte was six years old, the Figi family realized that her relentless seizures were only getting worse. It was then that the desperate family tried high concentrations of CBD oil with no expectations that it would help. It not only helped, but CBD oil reduced Charlotte’s seizures from multiple times daily to only 2 to 3 a month. Some may call that a miracle. Charlotte and her family were doomed to a future of watching their helpless child endure seizure after seizure with no end in sight. Now because of the use of high concentrations of CBD oil, the Figi family can rest peacefully and know that Charlotte’s future isn’t doomed, but that she can lead a relatively normal life and resume being a child.

Charlotte is a pioneer because she was the first child to use CBD for seizures, and gave hope to other families with similar histories the courage to realize that CBD oil is safe and it works. Charlotte’s experience is evidence that children can use CBD oil and use it safely. The story of Charlotte is one of hope and revelation that neurological disorders that affect children can be treated and that the answer at this time is CBD oil. Charlotte showed the world that it is possible to get better from this debilitating disease, giving hope to other families in a similar position to the Figi family, that all is not lost and that their child may benefit from similar treatment.